Present your collections as IIIF quickly and easily

IIIF Cloud Services are both a handy tool for ad-hoc IIIF production - just drag images in and create manifests straight away - and also scales to IIIF delivery of very large collections through automated workflow integrations.

High performance IIIF hosting at low cost

A digital collection may contain millions of images, yet many of them won't get looked at for months or even years, whereas some are looked at all the time and sometimes in high traffic bursts. When users do look at your content, sometimes they are looking at thumbnails, sometimes deep-zoom tiled IIIF Image API endpoints, sometimes responsive images, and sometimes large hi-res derivatives. These different load patterns place different demands on image servers; our platform is based on observed real world usage.

graph displaying usage score decreasing as number of images increases

Learn how the Wellcome Library are using IIIF Cloud Services to host over 50 million images.

Read the case study
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Everything you need to manage your IIIF resources

Comprehensive image handling

Any image you register with the IIIF Cloud Services platform will be made available as a IIIF Image service. Any AV resource you register will be transcoded to your preferred web formats. The platform can generate IIIF Manifests to wrap individual assets or sequences, which you can further enhance and customise. The platform offers full support for the Image API versions 2 and 3, including tiled (deep zoom) delivery, responsive HTML images, arbitrary cropping and sizing for editorial needs, automated production of pre-sized cached images (e.g. thumbnails) as well as multiple output image formats, now and in the future.

Granular access control

The platform can enforce access control, on behalf of the customer, on the image pixels it serves. It does this by implementing the IIIF Auth API. Some images are OK for public use up to a certain size (e.g., you can see a thumbnail but not a higher resolution version). Others may require specific permissions. When you register images, you can supply role information; the platform has an API for integrating with your own access control system, allowing you to delegate authorisation.

Easy to use portal

The Portal is for user and API key management, for viewing your usage statistics and configuration options. But it's also for direct creation of IIIF resources. You can drag images, audio and video into the portal and arrange them into IIIF Manifests for immediate viewing.

But not just images!

The platform will transcode AV to web-friendly formats for delivery. Other files like PDFs can also be hosted and benefit from unified access control. Assets can be arranged in IIIF Manifests for use in viewers and other software. PDFs can optionally be converted to IIIF Manifests... and Manifest to PDF! This includes replicating the PDF structure and generating text overlays onto your images as Web Annotations.

Powerful integration capabilities

We designed IIIF Cloud Services to cater for known system integration use cases, such as digitisation and preservation workflows, and be a flexible platform for new application development. All features are available via an HTTP REST API, and when you register assets with the platform, you also register arbitrary metadata that you can then use to query the platform. These configurable named queries allow the platform to project sequences of assets into results in Manifest form, in PDF form, and more.

Preservica plugin

The platform provides an existing easy to implement integration with Preservica. Items added to your Preservica repository can be synchronised with the IIIF Cloud Platform for IIIF Delivery. Preservica folder structure is replicated using IIIF Collections and the metadata is made available for populating your IIIF manifests. You can read more about this in our UAL case study.

Get started with a free trial and check how IIIF Cloud Services can help your organisation.

Want to know more?

Managed service using open source code and open standards

The platform is offered by Digirati as a managed hosted service utilising open standards such as IIIF3 and Web Annotations wherever possible. The source code is maintained by Digirati in a public GitHub repository under the MIT License. Feature requests, product roadmap and issues are all public. If you have a feature request, we'd like to hear it!

Part of an ecosystem of software components

IIIF Cloud Services has been developed to work alongside other Digirati software components such as our IIIF Search server, Madoc crowdsourcing platform and the Digirati Manifest Editor. And its pluggable architecture has been tried and tested with the latest OCR, NLP and Machine Learning libraries as part of Digirati customer projects.